around us, and rejoice that the wilderness is that they shall laugh and sing : when we feel phan, and preached an admirable sermon from time when they shall stand so thick with corn, our thoughts to that cheerless moral desert, Bishop thus proceeded : - becoming a fruitful field, let us not fail to turn where no salutary plant takes root, no verdure millions in dreadful subjection, withering all a most appropriate text, Isaiah xxxv. 1 . ' The F 2 the prophet's usual custom of representing " After observing in the introduction upon som as the rose.' spiritual blessings by natural emblems, the the Bishop dedicated the church to Saint Ste- doned to solitude and desolation, teeming now for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blos- " ' Whilst we see the natural wilderness quickens, where ignorance the most appalling, 68 FALLS OF THE CAVERY wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad foulest and most degrading, hold the spirits of a delight in the changes thus taking place prejudices the most deadly, superstitions the with life, and in certain progress towards that blooming around us ; the valleys, till lately aban-