07 Dec

day, some on foot, others in carriages and some that inhabiteth eternity ? or will you refuse to ed to the church, and the congregation wind- which best illustrates the true character of the himself in the person of the Saviour, who left sabbath appeared." harmony with the exterior, and the painted " ' All external circumstances concur to force the right hand of the Majesty on High, and came in the likeness of man, that he might re- religion it represents. side, shed upon the altar that cheerful light receive the Revelation which he has made of and valleys which never before "smiled when a AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. 71 sion, can you refuse to lift up your thoughts to as it is spread around you in such fair profu- glass windows, backed by the green mountain was a heart-cheering sight amidst mountains upon your minds lessons of awful import. ing their way at their ease in the middle of the When you look up to the munificence of nature on horses, in the llth degree of the torrid zone, concile you to himself by his blood ?' ' Since the consecration, bells have been add- The interior decoration of the church is in the God of nature, the High and Holy One

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