to the Neilgherries. access to the eastern and western coasts have who has been properly sent there. Where there For every military purpose of keeping the prevent me ever again joining, had been ordered bandies. I trust therefore that the time has contribute to the permanent re-establishment of tion of the British empire in India. Nothing is inflammation of the liver, or serious organic A mistaken notion has prevailed with some 78 FALLS OF THE CAVERY persons, that the climate of these Hills does not health. This is a delusion contradicted by the been rendered easy, even to loaded bullocks and now arrived, when the authorities at home may country in subjection, there is no position, I that the " Old Wiltshire Springers," the happy disease contracted in the plains of India will should imagine, more favorable, now that the feel it expedient to provide for the preservation would give me greater satisfaction than to hear regiment to which I belong, but which I fear, AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. 77 affections, perfect quiet in the low country, or and enjoyment of the health of some of his evidence of facts in the case of every patient Majesty's regiments in this, the fairest por-