clouded sky, the unwary new-comer is too often rather oppressive is from March to August, but 90 FALLS OF THE C A VERY * I induced to expose himself: let him, however, to a cool wind that frequently blows, and a 3000 feet above the level of the sea. The cli- and evenings, and I may safely say that for the AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. The large cantonment of Bangalore occupies whole year, the temperature is pleasant. The take advice ere he feels sundry twinges in his only period, when the heat is sometimes found rily. From October to March the climate is even then it cannot be compared to that of the rays of the sun to shine upon him unnecessa- hepatic region, and not allow the treacherous a station devoutly to be wished for. But owing low country, the thermometer for the most part of the year ranging from 74 to 80, of Fahren- heit. The bungalows in this cantonment are mate is generally liked, and for a regiment it is the highest ground in the Balaghaut or Table- BANGALORE. cool, and often extremely cold in the mornings land of the Southern Peninsula of India, being good, and moderate in rent. In the neighbour-