07 Dec

could have possibly acquired if exposed yet inexperi- does not terminate his existence, renders the unfortu- ficial result ? Fortunately, these considerations have every reason to hope that his representations will finally constitutions and habits, it might be hoped, than they nate subject of it utterly inefficient for all active duties. and generally lays the foundation of some obstinate and regimen, but allowed every reasonable license in pared for their various departments transferred to the other respects, made to go through their drill under individual at the head of the Government, and there is I 2 circumstances where it would seem more an agreeable low country at a more matured age, with well formed chronic disease, which in the course of a few years, if it healthy and congenial climate of the Hills, under strict enced to the temptations of a low country bazar, are ment of a general Depot on the Hills for all recruits, without being admitted once or oftener into hospital, " If these recruits were at once transferred to the exercise than a harassing duty ; and when perfectly pre- induce the Court of Directors to sanction the establish- seen ; scarcely a single recruit gets through his drill, not escaped the attention of the intelligent and talented controul, as regards all necessary points of discipline we not justified in confidently expecting the most bene- 116 APPENDIX.

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