but that the moisture held in solution by it, is more easily rendered " The air at Dimhutty is considerably less rare, and Hills, and are said (though not uppn very accurate more moist* than at Oatacamund, while its distance u During the north-east monsoon, Dimhutty being less sensible. more equable than at Oatacamund, the thermometer APPENDIX. H9 cion of dangers from the ascent of malaria from the exposed than Kotagherry, suffers less from the wind by the mountain of Dodabetta and its subordinate it is less rare, less dry, and less bracing, and consequently H8 APPENDIX. cul all of which are situated on the verge. of the Coonoor, Khoondah Ghaut, Neddewuttum, and Billi- jungle below; in which respect it has the advantage of and rain ; the temperature during the cold months is " It thus appears that the climate of Dimhutty, while August, the most wet and stormy months in all the never descending so low, and being completely sheltered ranges, from the south-west monsoon ; the weather re- * This must not be understood to mean that it contains more moisture, grounds) to be feverish at certain seasons. mains fine during the greater part of June, July, and from the edge of the Hills, places it beyond all suspi- less fit for Europeans in robust health, as well as for central and west part of the range.