07 Dec

therefore determined to place the bungalows I bought restrains many in the subordinate ranks of the service, to that preliminary ordeal. in need of lodging on their first arrival, this essential 122 APPENDIX. certainty of obtaining a lodging upon the first arrival, APPENDIX. J23 comfort free of expence. PRESIDENT'S MINUTE. (Signed) " R. BAIKIE, M. D. fatal progress. To provide for these cases, I have been injured by the heat of the plains of India. " I CANNOT leave the Neilgherry Hills without ex- from the Missionary Society at Dimhutty, under the care of the officer commanding on the Hills, and of the to place them within the reach of all classes of persons, principal collector of the district; and I request that and especially those who are married, from flying to be best calculated to afford to persons who really stand pressing my encreased confidence in the healthful the Hills, before dangerous diseases have made a " As the bungalows are now in good repair, no Superintending Medical Officer." effects of the climate, nor without an anxious desire, " The expence of house-rent, together with the un- they will form such regulations as shall in their opinion (to whatever presidencies belonging) whose health has

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