07 Dec

"3rd. It is the only one of all the passes, that can vellers to the slightest risk of jungle fever, and is be safely used by foot-passengers. be best appreciated if a comparison is made between it, of its main advantages. 130 APPENDIX. " All is now in progress ; and I would beg to have and all the other passes leading to the Neilgherries. and it need very little impede the important work at proportion of the corps. and to execute a survey and plan of it, which together Coonoor Ghaut, the utility and advantage of which will " 4th. It leads at once to a mild and healthful respects the Koondah Pass, as on my next and approach- with a report, will, I hope, give all necessary informa- ing excursion to it, I purpose to descend to the bottom, " 1st. It is the nearest of any to the presidency. " 2nd. It is easy of access, and does not expose tra- Coonoor, where I would wish to keep the largest any of the mountain passes. The following are some tion. " A. detachment of the corps may perform this duty, K this report considered only as a preliminary one, as " I shall now state what I have done regarding the of a uniform and gentle declivity throughout. " The Coonoor Ghaut, is incomparably the best of

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