07 Dec

introduced Europe into Asia, for such are his improve- TARY TO THE RIGHT HON. W. LUSHINGTON. it will be an appropriate supplement to his own his encouragement ; and if he deems proper to publish, pioneers have done, and are capable of doing under the advantages of that climate, when disease and death Madras pioneers, under the Governor's personal direc- 9th June, 1832. to them? " I have the greatest pleasure in sending my Neilgherries, General Order, and will manifest to all India, what the " My dear Sir, cial works,) will be to all succeeding times, monuments TO CAPTAIN LIMOND, OFFICIATING MILITARY SECRE- " It will be the glory of Mr. Lushington's govern- were to be encountered in the access and approach ment, without any extravagant hyperbole, that he has ments in the Neilgherries. For what were formerly all " Foot of the Avalanche, 140 APPENDIX. " The Coonoor and Koondah Ghauts (his own spe- tions, have been able to execute. final report of the Koondah Ghaut to you. APPENDIX. 139 " This Report, will shew ' the Governor what the 10th December, 1831.

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