07 Dec

undoubtedly " made good " in his first season, for there was an abundance The meet was at Bishopton Station on a dry, dusty day, and operations led for fine hound work. line of country with a predominance of old turf. Following this there was followers over the Houston country to the Finlaystone side, the sport Gleniffer on the way back by Bardrain and Peatman's Moss to Caldwell associated with the three kills being fairly good. Cumpstone, who was a cheery and enthusiastic man with hounds, some frost and other sorts of weather as a spoil sport, but there were several Law. They finally ran this fox to ground in a rabbit burrow just below Hill leftwards above Carruth, over a wild bit of country by Barnaigh, nearly Capellie Strips they continued by the edge of Fereneze Muir, missing enjoyable runs before the season ended on 25th March. It is a rather nearly to Game Wood the pilot took a sort of zig-zag course. On above afterwards found another in Duchal High Wood and hunted over Slates to Greenside. Swinging to the left from here they went right on to Bar- here a fine old fox was put up. From here along the high-lying ground here. From start to finish it was one and a half hours, and over a splendid happened, and it seemed to suggest there were still plenty left in the country. of tryst, they did nothing until reaching Caldwell Law, and just outside craig above Bridge of Weir, where they lost their fox. I have only given 36 The Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire Hunt. the chief points of a run of one hour and forty minutes that was noteworthy and Elphinstone to High Barlogan, where the fox got to ground. They unusual occurrence to kill three foxes on the last day, but that is what gallop, hounds ran from Midhill by Auchinbothie, Dr. Brown's coverts, of sport worthy of note. On 24th January, with Glanderston as the place

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