BY H. B. (JOXON THERE is a considerable truth in the statement that clothes needs. by the fact that fashions change while character, generally ROMAN nature, since it is human nature ratified and sanctified by the sweeping as from a doublet to a frock-coat, or from armour sacred and august thing in the world the Mystical Body of CATHOLICISM EDMD. CAN. SURMONT speaking, does not. For changes in fashion changes so WITH A PREFACE BY MGR. R. HUGH BENSON Die 12 Decembris 1911 67 LONG ACRE, W C. are an expression of character a truth that is not modified AND EDINBURGH of some very august and sacred truths concerning the most the character of human nature but in its environment and LONDON: T. C. & E. C. JACK This is a very homely parable, yet it is a tolerable illustration Vic. gen. WESTMONASTERII Christ. This, in itself, is even more unchangeable than human PREFACE AN EXPLANATION OF CATHOLIC BELIEF TAKEN FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES to khaki denote, so far as they are genuine, a change not in