07 Dec

absolutely foster a debased art, is certainly inimical to to a completely erroneous conclusion. and while this is, in many ways, a just method of under the aegis of Catholicism, when indeed there was thusian monastery. As I entered the church I became criticism, a little thought will at once make it clear Catholic churches in the slums of our great cities might INTRODUCTION concrete lives, and upon the external methods by which it seeks to mould them. We judge of religions by It was my privilege some time ago to visit a Car- The unsightly statues and pictures in some of the ROMAN CATHOLICISM of things, largely dependent upon its expression in conscious of an unfamiliar atmosphere, and I gradually their forms and the ordering of their places of worship, with which, our souls are saved. suggest to the hasty that Catholicism, if it does not the highest art. Yet it is hardly necessary to point out ROBERT HUGH BENSON. OUB knowledge of any system of life is, from the nature that most of the world's treasures of art were produced 9 realised that in many ways it offered a complete con- that it has obvious limitations, and may indeed lead 10 ROMAN CATHOLICISM no other religion at all in Christendom.

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