07 Dec

and properly called Transubstantiation. [Chap. 4.] conversion is, by the holy Catholic Church, suitably charity, that we might all speak the same things, and now declare it anew, that, by the consecration of the And because Christ, our Redeemer, declared that by his life who said: He that eateth me, the same ment should be received as the spiritual food of souls, inventions devised by wicked men. [Session 13, Chap. 1.] pledge of our glory to come, and everlasting happiness. which he offered under the species of bread to be body of Christ our Lord, and of the whole substance truly his own body, therefore has it ever been a firm bers be united by the closest bond of faith, hope, and 40 ROMAN CATHOLICISM of the wine into the substance of his blood ; which Whence, our Saviour would also that this sacra- from mortal sins. He would, furthermore, have it a also shall live by me ; and as an antidote, through which and ground of truth, has detested as satanical these we may be freed from daily faults and be preserved that there might be no schisms among us. [Chap. 2.] belief in the Church of God, and this holy Synod doth whereby may be fed and strengthened those who live and thus be a symbol of that one body whereof he is bread and of the wine, a conversion is made of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the the head, and to which he would fain have us as mem-

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