07 Dec

as the ministers of Christ, and that their sentiment is rehearsing those last words as having been uttered by one flesh ; and straightway confirmed the firmness the priest as by a judge. And therefore the penitent THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY seriously and absolving truly he is nevertheless truly is the dispensation of another's bounty, yet is it not a This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh ; erroneous who contend that this power exists not in part, or no intention on the part of the priest of acting bad priests. But although the absolution of the priest shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be two in one wherefore a man shall leave father and mother, and alone. [Chap. 6.] God, he said : Therefore now they are not two, but or of declaring that sins are forgiven, but is in the nature ought not so to confide in his own personal faith as to The first parent of the human race, under the influ- joined together, our Lord taught more plainly when, ence of the Divine Spirit, pronounced the bond of think that even though there be no contrition on his flesh. But, that by this bond two only are united and bare ministry only, whether of announcing the Gospel, matrimony perpetual and indissoluble when he said : and in God's sight absolved on account of his faith MARRIAGE AS A SACRAMENT 51 of a judicial act, whereby sentence is pronounced by

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