Jesus Christ. This, then, is the right faith, that we their vows. [Session 25, Chap. 17.] buried. in any way, without a just cause, hinder the holy wish he ascended into heaven ; sit- voluntarily, or voluntarily take the habit, or make her 1 The definition of the Immaculate Conception taken from the of virgins, or other women, to take the veil, or make ROMAN CATHOLICISM judge the living and the their presence, or consent, or authority. wa* crucified, dead, and But it is necessary to eternal salvation that one Suffered under Pontius Pilate, It also subjects to a like anathema those who shall, from thence he shall come to the Father Almighty ; He descended into hell ; the should also truly believe the incarnation of our Lord profession, shall, in any way, connive at that act, by third day he rose again from teth at the right hand of God dead. THE INCARNATION the dead ; I believe in the Holy Ghost ; Bull Ineffabilis Deus, December 10, 1854.