07 Dec

brothers. Then am I truly honoured, when due honour ened and vindicated by the supreme and universal by holding fast with the Roman Pontiff unity, both of shepherds feed and rule the flocks severally committed immediate power of episcopal jurisdiction, by which Pastor; according to the words of St. Gregory the shepherd. This is the teaching of Catholic truth, from exercise of his office, the right of free communion with Church. My honour is the enduring strength of my from working any detriment to that ordinary and Church of Christ may be one flock under one supreme to them, that this very power is insisted upon, strength- is not denied to each and every one. to succeed to the place of the Apostles, as true tion. Whence we condemn and reprobate the opinions which no one can deviate without loss of faith and of Great : My honour is the honour of the universal Moreover, to this supreme power of the Roman Pon- the pastors and flocks of the whole Church, that they salvation. tiff of governing the universal Church, is attached, in the of those who maintain that it is lawful to impede this may be taught and ruled by him in the way of salva- But so far is this power of the Supreme Pontiff bishops, who have been placed by the Holy Spirit PAPAL AND EPISCOPAL JURISDICTION 71 communion and of profession of the same faith, the

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