Constantinople, treading in the footsteps of their pre- which is the whole and true solidity of the Christian and humbly recognises that it has received with the one communion, which the Apostolic See preaches, in the whole Catholic Church, which sovereignty it truly of blessed Peter, prince and head of the Apostles, whose be defined by its judgment. will build my Church, these things which have been firstly consists in keeping the rule of the true faith. successor of Peter, prince of the Apostles, holds over successor is the Roman Pontiff ; and as it is bound said are proved in effect, because in the Apostolic See Lyons, the Greeks made this profession : The holy And since we cannot set aside the saying of our Lord Roman Church has supreme and full sovereignty o the Church. For the Fathers of the Fourth Council of less, and her celebrated teaching holy. Hence, desiring the Catholic religion has ever been maintained stain- not to be separated in any way from this faith and religion. And, with the approval of the Second Council of doctrine, we hope that we may deserve to be in the fulness of power from the Lord himself, in the person if any questions concerning the faith arise, they should decessors, made this solemn profession : Salvation Jesus Christ, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I before all others to defend the truth of faith, so also,