now number at least 150, and thriving as only a freshly introduced If the dozen or so of Ross-shire deer imported in 1870, had been an under estimate. There will be about i deer to each 14 acres Adding the counted stag stock (after deducting stags shot, 1889) Estimating that 5 hinds die yearly in Ardfin, besides 4 shot there, ^ s d e s s f r f I2 ground, Ardfin, Forest, and Tarbert and about 575 hinds have cross will thrive. A great benefit to the property, and especially inclusive, about 160 hinds have been shot, or hit on the whole there were 1913 deer in Forest, February, 1890, no doubt this is to Ardfin, where unfortunately they were nearly all located. percentages of deaths approximately. 1429 age, but it is possible to mistake the ragged and lean appearance whole ground. There are now at least 1343 hinds on the whole preserved, instead of being destroyed, their descendants would ground. Nearly all hinds found dead appear to have died from old died. This is 735 hinds wiped out in 12 years, or 61 yearly on the using our death lists. Hence we are able to establish the yearly O f Deaths. 579 hinds for year 1878, and working in the calves reared, and we may calculate by aid of our death list that from 1878 to 1889, years, there would be i deer to 17 acres. in Forest. This of course includes calves. Excluding calves number of hinds and calves, each year this is done by taking Increase. From these figures we have constructed a series, shewing the 19 117 knobbers (estimated, tested on i beat). 355 calves (counted separately).