07 Dec

action on the strongles in order to render it certain that they shall not remain portion to their activity as vermecides ; but it must be understood that killing Oil of turpentine has always been estimated highly as a remedy for husk, and creosote are used in this way singly or in combination with good effect, but operator, is not safe for the amateur. in combination with a mixture of eggs and milk, once or twice a day for a week, and tonic effect upon the system. A dose of a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, and by the end of that time it may be expected that the strongles will be des- because, in addition to its properties as a vermifuge, it has a decided stimulant stage, and important changes have taken place in the lung structures. Never- suffocated. to increase the mischief. by an expert. The operation, although quite simple in the hands of a good and enabling them to bear up against a debilitating disease. Remedies for the curative treatment of husk are held to be effectual in pro- is by injecting them into the trachea. Turpentine, chloroform, carbolic acid, theless, it is good practice to proceed to use medicines which have a poisonous hot tile is by some considered to be effectual, and occasionally success has The most direct method of applying medicaments to the seat of the disease according to the age and size of the animal to be treated, may be administered, sheep as they are in the lungs. In calves there is found, especially in France, troyed. Inhalation of the vapour of carbolic acid, or oil of tar, poured over a it is necessary for the success of the treatment that it be carried into effect attended the use of the vapour of sulphur. This remedy, however, must be used carefully, or it is probable that a number of young animals may be the worms is not of much use when the malady has gone on to the debilitative NEMATODE WORMS are not so common in the digestive organs of cattle and

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