natural partiality for the author he translates in assigning him a of its first author. Graal" not long before it. The name of the author is nowhere recorded. He may possibly be (2) Marchal "Cat.", 2 vols. Brussels, 1842. Vol i.p. 223. ago" would be likely to suggest itself as an appropriate time at which (1) 6 vols. 8vo. Mons, 1866-1871. With these testimonies to its age and genuineness, I commend the "Book Coombe Lea, Bickley, Kent time what I take to be in all good faith the original story of Sir of the Graal" to all who love to read of King Arthur and his knights of and tantalising pseudonym affords no hint of his real identity. (13) the occurrence might be supposed to have taken place; and if he were relegated to the year 720, the year under which the entry actually year, to assign a date to the occurrence. A vague "five hundred years appears. This, of course, is pure guesswork, but the fact remains that referred to in the "Elucidation" prefixed to the rhymed version of (3) Lausanne, 1759. Whoever he may have been; I hope that I am not misled by a translator's foremost rank among the masters of medieval prose romance. the "Chronicle" was written in or about 1220, and the "Book of the the Table Round. They will find here printed in English for the first ENDNOTES: "Percival le Gallois" under the name of "Master Blihis", but this vague --Sebastian Evans, writing in 1220, the revelation to the hermit would thus naturally be Perceval and the Holy Graal, whole and incorrupt as it left the hands