07 Dec

history (MS. Reg. 12. c. XII.) was first privately printed (10) Vol. i. p. 1, etc. him say that the French work can now easily be found xxiii. c. 147. Vincent, however, spells the French word pp. 225, 230. des Ducs de Normandie". Soc. de l'Hist. de France, 1840, 179. Ed. J. Stevenson ("Roll, Pub. Chron." of R. (7) "L'histoire de Foulkes Fitz-Warin". Ed. F. Michel, Paris, doubted whether this sermon, preached in the church of S. (5) Rigord. "Chron." 196, p. 288. Wm. le Breton, "Phil." xi. Coggeshall), London, 1875; p. 412. The MS. containing the for the late Sir T. Duffus Hardy from a transcript by A. (8) "Le Roman de Ham", in the Appendix to F. Michel's "Histoire and p. 389 et seq. The former part of the passage is quoted with due (6) 2 vols. 8vo. London, Richards, 1876-1892. B. xxi. c. 105. Jacques, was addressed to the Council held at Toulouse in complete. Vincent finished his "Speculum Historialz in 1244" acknowledgment by Vincent of Beauvais, "Spec. Hist." B. "grail", and, by turning Helinand's "nec" into "nune", makes (4) 3 vols. 8vo. Berne, 1770, etc. Vol. ii., Introduc. viii. 547. See also Birch-Hirschfeld, "Die Gralsage", p. 143. (11) Sermon xxvi., printed in Minge, u.s. col. 692. It has been 1840; p. 110. Ed. T. Wright (Warton Club), London, 1855; p. Berbrugger. (9) Helinandi Op. Ed. Migne. "Patrol." Vol. ccxii. col. 814.

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