07 Dec

"Damsel," saith the King, "You say true; and God grant him his heart's "And I will tell you," saith she. "This languishment is come upon him "Damsel," saith the King, "The shield and the brachet will we keep full knight meet other but he should fight with him in arms without none sorrow for that he hath fallen into a grievous languishment." remain, and little joy will the brachet make until the knight shall the Graal, and another shield shall he leave here in the hall, red, hither for the same, and you shall make hang it on this column in the safely, and right heartily we thank you that you have deigned to bring through one that harboured in his hostel, to whom the most Holy Graal them hither." with a white hart; and the brachet that the damsel carrieth shall here "Sir," saith she, "Know you wherefore he hath fallen into languishment?" "Sir," saith the damsel, "I have not yet told you all that I have in were all the lands commoved to war thereby, nor never thereafter might come." appeared. And, for that he would not ask unto whom one served thereof, I pray you tell me who is the King?" other occasion. You yourself may well perceive the same, for your midst of your hall, and guard it in such wise as that none may take it desire!" charge to deliver. The best King that liveth on earth and the most "Sir," saith she, "It is rich King Fisherman, of whom is great grief." "Damsel," saith the King, "Sore pity is it and it be so as you say; and "Nay, I know not at all, but gladly would I learn." loyal and the most righteous, sendeth you greeting; of whom is sore and hang at his neck save he only. And of this shield shall he achieve

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