and goeth to seek me and knoweth not where to find me." him: "Sir, not so heedful are you as I supposed." will you find the fairest forest and most delightsome when you shall BRANCH III. heed will you take at the court of the rich King Fisherman." only by the most coward knight in the world, that is mine own knight "Wherefore say you so, damsel?" saith he. "Sweet, my friend," saith the Damsel of the Car, "blame not Messire nor what may be the rich pillow whereon the arm lieth. And no greater "Damsel," saith Messire Gawain, "I durst not press you further." Messire Gawain turneth him to go, and the damsel afoot crieth out to yonder great cross at the entrance of yonder forest. And beyond that, "For this," saith she, "That you have never asked of my Damsel "When it shall please you, I shall have your leave to go." demand it, for I will tell you not, nor shall you never know it save Gawain only, but King Arthur before him and all the knights that were have passed through this that sore is wearisome." Messire Gawain turneth his horse's head as he that was startled: "Lady," saith he, "My service is always ready at your command." "Sir," saith she, "God be guard of your body, and right great thanks of as to ask me. Go your ways, Messire Gawain, for in vain would you now your convoy." again on the way that she had taught him. wherefore she carrieth her arm slung at her neck in this golden stole, "Sir," saith the damsel, "Gramercy, and your own way see you there by With that the Damsel departeth, and Messire Gawain setteth him forward in the court. For not one of them all that were there was so heedful