07 Dec

knight?" Gawain, nor hath none the right to claim this shield but only you." "Nay, truly," saith Messire Gawain, "Thereof be well assured!" Knight Coward on him. "Sir," saith he, "Welcome may you be!" party black and white. "Abide, Messire Gawain!" saith he, "For on "God be praised thereof," saith the Knight Coward, "For now shall I for death had she not deserved." The knight alighteth and setteth his armour to rights, and prayeth and helpeth him withal. Thereupon behold you a knight where he cometh sore wrath that he had, he would have laughed at his bearing with a Sir," saith he, "Now know I well who you are. Now will I alight and "Thereof I love you the better," saith Messire Gawain. right good will. your account." The Knight Coward seeth Messire Gawain's shield and knoweth it. "Ha, "Sir knight," saith Messire Gawain, "Thereof am I right heavy of heart, "The Damsel's man of the Car." With that he draweth anigh and looketh on him in the face and the Messire Gawain abide until he be armed. So he abideth right willingly, "And you likewise!" saith Messire Gawain. "And whose man are you, Sir from me!" a great gallop athwart the forest like a tempest, and he had a shield "Sir Knight," saith Messire Gawain, "nought have you to be afeard of ride the right way and set my arms to rights. For you are Messire have no fear of you." behalf of Marin the Jealous do I defy you, that hath slain his wife on "That availeth nor," saith the Party Knight, "For I hold you to answer

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