save God alone." soon as he saw me he set his arms to rights and rode like any other behind before and carried his arms upside down. And he said that he knight." Messire Gawain heareth these significances and much pleaseth him were poorly clad, whereas the third had costlier attire. The shield signifieth the old law. Would you ask more of me?" saith the priest. whereon was the red cross, that she left at the court of King Arthur, was the Knight Coward, and his habergeon carried he on his neck, and so XII. shield that hung in the King's hall, as he had heard tell in many should come for the shield. that a knight slew on my account albeit no blame had she therein, nor Lord suffer Himself to be smitten in the side of a spear. By this that whereof I was abashed, but I have been right sorrowful of a lady thereof, and thinketh him that none durst set his hand to nor lift the places; wherefore day by day were they waiting for the Good Knight that death, for Josephus witnesseth us that the old law was destroyed by the fairest followeth afoot and the other was on a sorry hackney, and they "The law was turned to the worse," saith the priest, "before Our Lord's stroke of a sword without recover, and to destroy the old law did Our "Sir," saith the priest, "Right great significance was there in her "Sir," saith Messire Gawain, "By this that you tell me you do me to wit "Sir," saith Messire Gawain, "I met a knight in the forest that rode had I." stroke was the old law destroyed, and by His crucifixion. The lady signifieth the most holy shield of the rood that never none durst lift