so stiffly that he thrusteth the point of his spear right through his was guarding the entrance whereby he had to issue out, and smiteth him cometh to a hermitage in the forest where he alighteth and hath his Lancelot that was about to mount. taketh his arms and is mounted. The dwarf crieth out aloud: "What of the grave-yard, thinking that Lancelot is fain to flee therefrom; Thereafter, behold you, a knight that cometh to the Hermit and seeth "Sir," saith he, "Whither go you?" horses stabled, and the Hermit giveth them of the best he hath. And thither where the three lay dead, was come therewithin and knew were these three knights slain." but no desire hath he thereof, wherefore he cometh to the knight that Lancelot heard mass, and afterward are a little and fell on sleep. With that the two knights mount their horses and go to the two issues He was in the chapel until the day broke, when he issued forth thereof, fled out of the forest before, had no mind to avenge his fellow, and and sore it weighed upon him that his horse was still fasting. He the knight he had slain and driveth him before him, for he thinketh body. The other knight that was guarding the other entrance, that had enemy go thus?" in no peril of you, wherefore as at this time will I depart not hence, Lancelot, whereupon saith he: "Our mortal enemy are you, for by you "Well had they deserved it," saith Lancelot, "and in this chapel am I fled incontinent so fast as he might. And Lancelot taketh the horse of aileth you?" saith he to the two knights, "Will you let your mortal that some knight may haply have need thereof. He rideth on until he for I know not the ways of the forest."