07 Dec

that I shall kill you before you shall kill me, sith that so it is." shall slay you when you have done me no wrong." "Sir," saith Lancelot, "Right foolish were he that in such a jeopardy "Sir," saith the Knight, "Hold up your hand toward the minster that you respite of death to dying here on the spot. But I marvel me of this before I die, that you will return into this city within a year from that you are so fairly apparelled to receive your death." "Hold, Sir," saith Lancelot, "What is this you tell me?" challenge, as I have set mine." how cometh it that you take your death so graciously? You know well confession purged of all wickedness and of all the misdeeds that ever I you are come into this city." see yonder." have committed, and do repent me truly thereof, wherefore at this XIII. World ought of right to apparel him as fairly as he may. I am by should not do the best for himself, but blamed shall I be thereof and I Therewithal he holdeth forth the axe, and Lancelot taketh it and seeth "Sir," saith the Knight, "He that would go before the Saviour of the "Sir," saith the knight, "you must needs do even as I say, sith that "By my head," saith Lancelot, "Needeth no argument that I shall choose "This know I well for true," saith the Knight, "But you will promise me moment am I fain to die." that it is right keen and well whetted. "Fair Sir," saith Lancelot, "So gentle are you and so well nurtured, this, and that you will set your head in the same jeopardy without "Certes," saith the Knight, "In no otherwise may you go hence."

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