07 Dec

cousin, for King Ban of Benoic was your father's cousin-german. Make "Fair Sir," saith the Hermit, "And you, who are you?" him right great cheer!" find his nephew. He goeth through the forest and rideth until he him between the twain to forbid them. then kiss one another, afterward he leadeth them to his hermitage. tell me who he is nor whence ariseth his hatred of me." strokes of the swords, and cometh towards them full speed and setteth They alight together. He calleth his own squire that waited upon him, "Ha, fair nephew," saith King Hermit to Perceval, "See here your Benoic." on a white mule that he had therewithin. She was starred in the midst us that this same mule had belonged to Joseph of Abarimacie at the time nephew in the hermitage, whereof is he right sorrowful, and he mounteth do you to combat against this knight that hath lain sick this long time draweth nigh the launde where the two knights were. He heareth the "Sir," saith the knight, "I will tell you. I am the son of King Ban of "Ha, sir," saith he to the Knight of the White Shield, "Right great ill he was Pilate's soldier, and that he bequeathed her to King Pelles. He maketh them take off their helmets and lower their ventails, and III. King Hermit departeth from the hermitage and prayeth God grant him to of her forehead with a red cross. Josephus the good clerk witnesseth have run upon him now had he not challenged me, and he is not minded to King Hermit cometh from labouring in the forest and findeth not his in this forest, and fight sorely have you wounded him." "Sir," saith the-knight, "As much hath he done by me, and never would I

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