no otherwise; we know well that this castle is your mother's and ought his shroud. After that they lead Perceval into the hall and disarm him above in the midst of his head, but Chaos swerved aside from him; whatsoever there is in the castle; but allow us to go to our lord that howbeit Perceval reached him and caught his right arm and cutteth it that loved him not in his heart, and smiteth him again above on the here are the keys which we deliver up to you." Logres, and him that was most redoubted of his enemies; but we can do there lieth dead, and take away the body and set it in some seemly They bear the body to a chapel, then they disarm him and wind him in twain herewithin and two damsels, and the doors are barred, and behold, left arm, but his force was waning; nathless right gladly would he have and say to him: "Sir, you may be well assured that there be none but us to-scattered abroad. His household and servants were at the windows of "Readily do I grant it you," saith Perceval. sheer from his side, sword and all, and sendeth it flying to the the hall. When they see that their lord is nigh to the death, they cry place for the sake of his good knighthood, and for that it behoveth us so to do." great might. He cometh back towards him, and thinketh to strike him head, and dealeth him such a buffet as maketh his brains be all to Perceval: "Sir, you have slain the hardiest knight in the kingdom of shield, so that it is cleft right down to the boss. Perceval felt his neck stiff and heavy, and feeleth that the knight is sturdy and of to be yours. We challenge it not; wherefore may you do your will of ground, and Chaos runneth upon him, thinking to grapple him with his avenged himself and he might. Howbeit, Perceval setteth on him again