07 Dec

Natheless to this will I pledge my word, that I will return thither and they say that he hath not been hurt so sore as is Clamados. She "Lady, no wish have I to depart without your leave, but rather shall I declareth himself Messire Gawain's man, and maketh search his wounds, "So will I do, sith that it is your pleasure." "Sir," saith the Damsel of the Car, "I will remain here in hostage for save he deliver good hostage that he will come back when I shall be as my nephew be heal, for you know well that whereof he plaineth be ready to clear myself of blame whensoever and wheresoever time and commandeth them to tend him and wait upon him right well-willingly, was right sore perilous. wounds, and saw that of one had he no need to fear, but that the other you." knight and he were desirous of fighting, but came at some time by mischance. A man may not always stand on all his rights." XVII. allow not the knight that slew my father to issue forth from hence, She made him be carried on his shield into a tent, and made search his against you, nor would I that you should depart hence without clearing "Sir," saith she to Perceval, "Behoveth you abide here until such time within a term of fifteen days from the time he shall be whole." The Queen cometh to the other knight that was wounded, for that he "Lady," saith Clamados, "Once more do I pray and require you that you you of the blame." "But do you pray him," saith the Queen, "that he remain herewithin with place may be. But herewithin may I make not so long sojourn. healed."

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