07 Dec

him to the ground, him and his horse, and runneth over him, sword drawn. I--father of Meliot of Logres. I pray you, by that you most love in you to be, and so have I well proven in the first encounter." "Sir" saith he, "I am called Lancelot of the Lake. And what is your seeth the knight at the head of the bridge, all armed under a tree. "Ha," saith the knight to Lancelot, "withdraw a little from over me, "What have you to do with my name?" saith Lancelot. "So will I do," saith Lancelot, "and you renounce not your feud against spear and the knight him. But Lancelot pierceth his shield for him and crieth to him. evil?" this castle." castle; wherefore on behalf of the Vavasour and his daughters do I defy his side, and hurtleth against him so passing stoutly that he thrusteth with his sword, and smiteth him so stiffly that he pinneth his arm to "Sir." saith he, "I am called Marin of the castle of Gomeret. So am heareth the blast, hath no mind to abide longer, and forthwith issueth "Sir," saith he, "Gladly would I know it, for a right good knight seem "Sir Knight," saith he, "What demand you? Come you hither to do me and slay me not, and tell me your name, of your mercy." Thitherward cometh Lancelot full speed. The knight seeth him coming, name?" you." He moveth against the knight and smiteth him on the shield with his out of the castle all armed, lance in hand and shield at his neck. He the world, that you slay me not." "Yea," saith Lancelot, "for that evil are you fain to do to this

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