07 Dec

"By my head," saith the squire. "You say true, for methinketh there is VIII. his horse and his arms. The hermit that was in his chapel saw them the knight?" forest that knew how a knight was lodged therewithin, and had coveted wherefore." their fellow. Lancelot leapeth up all startled when he heareth the "Sir," saith the hermit to Lancelot, "It grieveth me that you have been bound them with the fourth. But of them were some that were wounded none so strong nor so hardy as he in all the kingdom of Logres." and they issue forth, he and his squire, and they perceived the robbers in the stable where Lancelot's horse was. The hermit crieth out: the he may not move. The other three think to defend them and to rescue right sore. but that or ever he come, the hermit hath taken the other three and valiant throughout." awakened." When as they were in their first sleep, come four robber-knights of the first, and awoke his squire and made him bring his arms all secretly; then he made his squire arm. "Sir," saith the squire, "Shall I waken "In nowise," saith the hermit, "until such time as we shall know The lodged Lancelot the night the best he could. noise and armeth himself as quickly as he may, albeit not so quickly "By my head," saith Lancelot, "Were you not hermit, you would be spear. The hermit seizeth him and bindeth him to a tree so strait that He maketh open the door of the chapel and taketh a great coil of rope, squire cometh forward and thereupon beareth one to the ground with his

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