would it be unto me that your mother were succoured, and God grant that castle wherein she hath her hold would he have seized long agone had it had been left in sore peril of losing her castle. The Queen asked her reaved her of her land and her castles and slain her men. The very dread lest she shall lose her castle, for none other hold hath she. hath been told that he is a good knight, and for that I may not find is the Best knight of the world; and, for the bounty that is in him I heard witness. But he departed from my father's and mother's hostel enemies for a year. The term is now ended and my Lady mother is in "Certes, Lady, no, for never, so far as I know, have I seen him before." left without help and without counsel, wherefore hath a certain man The brachet will not leave her, but will be always on her lap, nor can one day who her brother was. she move anywhither but he followeth her. The damsel is long time in the court in this manner, albeit as she that had sore need of succour she remained in the chapel every day after that the Queen was come not been for Messire Gawain that made it be safe-guarded against her knight that shall bear away the shield, for I have heard tell that he forth, and wept right tenderly before the image of the Saviour, and Wherefore is it that she hath sent me to seek for my brother, for she a right young squire. My father is since dead, and my Lady mother is "Damsel," saith the Queen, "Would that you had found him, for great joy "Lady," saith she, "one of the best knights of the world, whereof have whether she knew him. prayed right sweetly that His Mother would counsel her, for that she will he therefore have pity on me." him am I come to this court to beseech of King Arthur succour of the