seeth coming the damsel that hath the knight carried in the litter for tournament." Knight of the World." "Damsel," saith Lancelot, "Be welcome." assembly, that jousted with Messire Gawain, and had the prize of the is the Golden Circlet when it is kept safe in a place so strong. He castle, and saith that in right great worship should the knight be held "Sir, so did they adjudge him; for that he was a longer time in the forced me thus to lead him in this wise by fell and forest. So also "Sir, God give you good adventure! Sir," saith the damsel, "Greatly "Did he better than Messire Gawain?" saith Lancelot. that by the valour of his chivalry shall conquer so noble a hallow as "And who ought of right to avenge him?" ought I to mislike me much of the knight that it standeth upon to than Messire Gawain!" goeth his way right amidst the forest, and looketh forth before him and assembly." "By my head," saith the damsel, "You say true, for he is the Best "Sir," saith she, "The Lord of the Burning Dragon." "Sir," saith the damsel, "At the assembly he bore white arms, but "Damsel," saith Lancelot, "Who slew this knight?" avenge him, whom I may not find." ought I to hate the knight that slew this knight, for that he hath "And what shield beareth he?" saith Lancelot. "A good knight was he, then," saith Lancelot, "sith that he did better "Sir," saith she, "The knight that was in the Red Launde at the the dead.