Perceval departeth from the damsel, his sister, and hath right great vow, for never none of his lineage did at any time disloyalty nor base Knight, and may you remember to succour and aid us when you shall see Holy Sepulchre, on the third day when He came back from death to life. him nor with other, sith that such was the custom of the grave-yard how sore is our need of succour. own this night shall be in sore jeopardy and hazard." "You will go your way toward the castle of Camelot: there is the Widow XIII. "Sir," saith she, "See, this is my way, that is but little frequented, pity for that she goeth in so perilous place all alone. Natheless would of no knight, save I bring him not some of the cloth wherewith the of my power." him that hath procured me this dolour and travail. Sir," saith she, he nor forbid her, for he knew well that she might not go thither with for I tell you that no knight durst tread therein without great peril that twain might not pass the entrance, wherefore needs must one remain is of the most holiest, for our Lord God was covered therewith in the Nor none may enter the holy grave-yard that bringeth another with him, night, for the place is sore perilous, and so ought I greatly to hate altar in the chapel of the Grave-yard Perilous is covered. The cloth hath told me that the knight that warreth upon us may not be overcome wherefore behoveth me go by myself, and may God save my life this without. Perceval was not willing that his sister should break her Lady my mother, that awaiteth the return and the succour of the Good and great dread. And our Lord God have your body in keeping, for mine "Damsel," saith Perceval, "So God allow me I will aid you to the utmost