07 Dec

"From what land hath come such manner of man?" seen." one nor another was minded to go to battle with him, and so remained Messire Gawain between us." land? worship and prize to slay and conquer him, but he that should go "Sir," saith Lancelot, "We will go against him, so please you, I and "By my head, I know not what to say, save you give counsel herein." against him should set his own life in right sore jeopardy and run warreth upon you for the love of Logrin the Giant, whose head Messire issued from the borders of Hell. I say not but that it were great told their message. The King calleth Messire Gawain and Lancelot and "Sir," say the knights, "He is come from the Giant's castle, and he Kay brought you into your court, nor never, saith he, will he have joy BRANCH XVII. for such man as is this is no knight but a devil and a fiend that hath do, and so was all the court likewise in such sort as no knight neither great hazard of being in as bad plight as these two knights I have "Our Lord God," saith the King, "Will defend us from so evil a man." asketh them what he shall do of this knight that is entered into his knight that you love best." knights to be buried, and the others turn back again when they have until such time as he shall have avenged him on your body or upon the "By my head," saith the King, "I would not let you go for a kingdom, He is risen from the table, all scared, and maketh carry the two dead the court in great dismay. The King was in such dismay that he knew not neither what to say nor to

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