07 Dec

"Sir," saith she, "He is in the isles of the Elephants that wont to be Perceval heareth this that the damsel telleth him, and marvelleth much his way and departeth from the Court. Messire Gawain departeth and achieveth it not. He taketh leave of the King and Queen, and so goeth thus thrown upon him, that great blame will he have thereof and he the Golden Circlet, so that every day she seeth him carry knights off ground, and they may go thither. Perceval holdeth their fellowship island wherein he abideth is over against the castle of the Damsel of all that never until now no knight went into jeopardy so sore, and that the fairest land and the richest in the world. Now hath he made it all all the hermits and worshipful men in the forest of Cardoil and bid desolate, they say, in such sort that none durst inhabit there, and the right dear. The King and Queen have great pity of Perceval, and say bodily from the forest that he slayeth and smiteth limb from limb, whereof hath she right sore grief at heart." them pray for Perceval that God defend him from this enemy with whom he the strange forests and by the islands, and found the forests all void and desolate and wasted in place after place. The Damsel followeth them come into the plain country before the forest. So they looked before "Damsel," saith Perceval, "Where is the Knight of the Dragon?" account of the head of the Giant whereof he made such joy at his court." thereat, and taketh thought within himself, sith that the adventure is together with the dead knight. And so far have they wandered that they sore loss to the world will it be if there he should die. They send to XIII. Lancelot with him, and say they will bear him company to the piece of goeth forth to do battle. Lancelot and Messire Gawain go with him by

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