was the next-born to King Fisherman, of whose death am I right willed otherwise, wherefore ought we to give thanks and praise Him virtue shall avail more than your own. Seven-and-twenty knights guard languishment, and, had you then gone again, so say many, then would he whatsoever He doth, for He hath foreseen of every man that which shall in your strength nor in your knighthood as against so many knights, for sweet Mother, and, so at any time you be put to the worse of your against them may you not endure." knighthood, mount upon the mule and take the banner, and your enemies swiftly as doth the virtue and puissance of God. It is a thing well shall forthwith lose their force, for nought confoundeth any enemy so willingly, and a banner shall you bear, for the power of God and His the nine bridges, all chosen and of approved great valour, and none death, for had it been His will, you would have made the demand, but He sorrowful." Perceval hearkeneth unto his uncle's discourse and his chastening, and certainty. But methinketh our Lord God willed his languishment and known that you are the Best Knight of the World, but set not affiance come to him. I have within here a white mule that is very old. Fair pray and beseech you that you have God always in remembrance and His ought now to believe that a single knight may vanquish so many, save nephew, you will take her with you. She will follow you right "Fair nephew, you are right! for on your account fell he into entered thereinto. Of better right ought my mother to have it, that XXII. the miracle of Our Lord and His virtue shall open a way for him. So I have been whole, but how this might have been I know not of a