07 Dec

and draweth him back, and Joseus the young man likewise. As soon as him on his neck and so flingeth him into the river all armed, and XXVIII. that he deemed it might be sin, and they bade him take no heed of that, do him to wit that the knights of the third bridge are so hardy and of eyes, and understandeth that the lion is minded by the will of God to behind them. had told him. Then looketh he toward the entrance of the gateway and wherefore he bethinketh him of the lion, the manner whereof his uncle that were right good knights, and many a tough bout had he of them and seeth the white lion, that stood upright on his two hinder feet, for taketh one of them that were doing battle with Perceval and trusseth such strength that they may not be overcome of a single knight and our like manner as the other. XXVII. take the mule and carry the banner if he would conquer them. Perceval that he was fain to see him. Perceval looketh him full between the two many a felon onslaught. Joseus that was his uncle's son was there, and they look back, they see that the first bridge is already lifted up understandeth the white lion's intent, and giveth God thanks thereof said to the other hermits that right fainly would he go help him, but Lord God of his holy bounty open not the way, but that he must fain Perceval slayeth the other twain and hurleth them into the river in Perceval cometh to where the white mule was, and she was starred on the By the time he had won the two bridges he was full spent and weary, Lord. He doeth off his grey cape and fettleth him in his frock, and for that great work of mercy would it be to destroy the enemies of Our

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