So they laid hold on their reins and mounted their horses, that made to her sister: "What think you of my knight, doth he not please you?" courtesy and your worth." ordinance was made for the assembly. great leaping and went away a great gallop. Saith the younger damsel Rock had brought great fellowships of knights together with him, and King Arthur and Messire Gawain strike into the midst of the assembly see you but ought to have you in remembrance in his heart for your damsel that should give the Golden Circlet was come. Nabigant of the methinketh they will be better employed on you than on ever another like as it were two lions unchained, and at their first coming they "Damsel," saith King Arthur, "God grant that I be so." The knights were come about the tents. The King and Messire Gawain take heed that you show you to be good knight for love of me." "Yea," saith the elder, "But sore misliketh me of Messire Gawain for VII. knight; so I pray you that you remember me at the assembly in like "Damsel," saith the King, "Gramercy! No knight is there that should knight that is here this day hath better arms than are yours, wherefore it dear." hath made her gift and I will make mine. I have a suit of arms of manner as I shall ofttimes remember you." that he is not minded to do as I would have him. But he shall yet aby were armed and had made caparison their horses right richly. The gold, the richest that knight may wear, that I will lend you, for VIII. The younger damsel saith to King Arthur: "Well may you know that no