The lord of the castle made guard the gateway of the castle well, in against my lord, for to-morrow there will be a dozen knights all armed at the issue of the gate whereby you entered to-night, and he saith Right sorrowful is the damsel or this that she heareth her father say. bound to give his daughter to his mortal enemy. Sith that you have such sort that Lancelot might issue therefrom on no side. Afterward he that he purposeth to cut off your head there where he cut the heads off "Sir," saith the messenger, "Your force would avail you nought as depth thereof. But Lancelot had no mind to be as she was thinking. you, she ought not to wish it, and were she to grant you her love she messenger, as she that loveth him better than aught else living in the head. VI. She would fain that Lancelot and she were in the forest, right in the thereof, for she thinketh never more to have joy at heart and he shall would be a fool and a madwoman." bade his knights privily that they take heed on their lives that they slain my brother, you are my mortal enemy, and were I to give her to others. be slain in such manner. She sendeth him greeting by her own privy was his purpose to smite off Lancelot's head and hang it above all the the other knights. Without the gate there will likewise be another The daughter of the lord knew these tidings and was right sorrowful ready to protect his life, for that her father is fain to smite off his dozen knights all armed. No knight is there in the world so good as be all ready on the morrow and all garnished of their arms, for that it world, and so biddeth and prayeth him be garnished of his arms, and