have had all my pleasure of you, and I would have made you be borne folk that are just now ready to fall upon you; and, so you are not a certain knight may not otherwise be healed, and great pity it were do; nor will I yield you back the sword, whatsoever may befall me, for "Ha, Lancelot," saith she, "I beseech and pray you that you come with should you have carried it off from hence at your will; rather should I me! And as good cause have I to be sorry that you have the sword as nought you might do; and thus should I have been quit of the wardenship "Damsel," saith Lancelot, "Into your castle may I not go, nor desire I from hence without tribulation; and they that you see there are earthly to go, wherefore pray me no more thereof, for other business have I to willing to do this, yield me back the sword that you have taken from of this chapel and of coming thereinto in such manner as now oftentimes me into my castle, and I will save your life as at this time from this "Damsel," saith he, "No wish have I to see my sepulchre so early fiends that guard this grave-yard and are at my commandment." "Ha, Lancelot," saith she, "How hard and cruel do I find you towards power to harm a Christian." into my castle, from whence never should you nave moved again for betimes." the coffin, and go your way at once." VI. "Never, damsel, please God," saith Lancelot, "may your devils have have you to be glad. For, and you had not had it upon you, never I needs must come. that he should die." "By my head," saith she, "And you come not thither, you may not issue