and her people that believed in the New Law. weep of the sore pain that I saw Him suffer. I saw the Lady at the therefore may not aid us nor avail us. And he that will not believe, set in a sepulchre of stone. Thereof had I great pity for, so long as soon as the pity came into my heart, and the tears into my eyes, I had set upon a cross, and nailed thereon right grievously and smitten in the side with a spear, whereof had I such great pity that needs must I "Afterward, methought I saw Him taken down of hanging on the cross, and recomforted the Lady the fairest he might. And another folk were there us that her name was Salubre. She was good lady and well believed in after this, that I saw the same Man that had been bound to the stake XXVII. Child, but none might set in writing the great dole that she made. On that collected His blood in a most holy Vessel that one of them held willed, but He did it to save His people. In this Lord I will that ye my sight even as you see. In such a Lord as this ought one to believe, meseemed I saw Him thus never might I withhold me from weeping. And so feet of the cross, and knew her again that I had seen delivered of the for it." Perceval departed from the castle right joyous in his heart of the Lady the other side of the cross was a man that seemed not joyful, but he The Lady made her be held up and baptized, and all them that would not God, and so holy life led she thereafter that in a hermitage she died. do the same she made be destroyed and banished. This history telleth for He suffered death when He might lightly have avoided it had He so all believe, and so renounce our false gods, for they be devils and him will I make be slain or die a shameful death."