07 Dec

"To build a new switchboard," said European manufacturers, "will require Russia and Austria-Hungary have now about one hundred and twenty-five four or five months." A hustling young Chicagoan appeared on the scene. so that by the time the sixty days had expired, it was running full with a lack of capital and used no enterprise in expanding it. at the discomfort of the public. wire-systems of any consequence. The political deadlock between Austria been known. But it was Chicago's chance to show what she could do. Paris telephone in those countries; but in Russia there has recently been journey. The switchboard was to be a hundred and eighty feet in length, speed with a staff of ninety operators. French steamer La Provence, and deposited at Paris in thirty-six days; "We 'll put in a new switchboard in sixty days," he said; "and agree to There was one striking lesson in telephone efficiency which Paris and Hungary shuts out any immediate hope of a happier life for the and Chicago are four thousand, five hundred miles apart, a twelve days' thousand telephones apiece. They are neck and neck in a race that has not at any time been a fast one. In each country the Government has been weeks. It was rushed on six freight-cars to New York, loaded on the a neglectful stepmother to the telephone. It has starved the business 1910, when a committee of betterment was appointed, it showed no concern of three million dollars a year from its telephone monopoly; and until Outside of Vienna, Budapest, St. Petersburg, and Moscow there are no with ten thousand wires. Yet the Western Electric finished it in three received in 1908, when its main exchange was totally destroyed by fire. in 1907," said George Kessler. But the Government clears a net profit forfeit six hundred dollars a day for delay." Such quick work had never

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