of genius appear, become the first real corps of practical sociologists, of the highest value, for the reason that it can prevent so much of the and possibly a new generation will have to arrive before it will be evidences of practical optimism and confidence than a new telephone made possible, and to realize that an actual face-to-face conversation is scheduled to arrive in 1928. There are perhaps few more impressive will prepare a "fundamental plan" of the whole United States, showing exchange, with two-thirds of its wires waiting for the business of the finance, and the lines that weave them into a pattern of national IS BOUND TO BE TELEPHONY; and it will therefore prepare maps of readily as though he were close at hand. It is too amazing to be true, Even in the city of New York, one-half of the cable ducts are empty, which will substitute facts for the present hotch-potch of theories. It the centre of each industry and the main runways of traffic. It will taken for granted and acted upon freely. Ultimately, there can be no in the various Bell Companies, waiting for the country to grow up to it. in expectation of the greater city of eight million population which future. can it seem credible that a man in a distant city may be located as interdependence, showing the widely scattered groups of industry and As yet, no nation, not even our own, has seen the full value of the Eventually, this foresight department will expand. It may, if a leader act upon the basic fact that WHEREVER THERE IS INTERDEPENDENCE, THERE long-distance telephone. Few have the imagination to see what has been doubt that long-distance telephony will be regarded as a national asset may take place, even though there be a thousand miles between. Neither cooperation.