you will you find upon close and thorough investigation that Logically speaking, prohibition is the most superficial One of the very best public deliverances on the sub- Much has of late appeared in print concerning the To those who think they possess an easy solution to a ject of the use of alcoholic drink ever made in Amer- Temple Emanuel in that city, January 10, 1908. I quote the following, which is the greater part of the have in mind the fact, and reason that if only a law could Murphy once remarked that if all people drank like be passed under which it would be a crime to consume problem that has caused many to rack their brains in vain, easy plan to make a large amount of money is broached to the words I consider the most important : abstract of the address as published, putting in italics evils are very misleading. liquors all would be well. But these easy solutions to great temperate habits of the Jews. It is related that Francis the warning to beware is extended. How often when an ica, comes in a newspaper account of an address by the Jews there would be no temperance problem. Rabbi FINESHRIBER, of Davenport, la,, given at conceive of this plan of eradicating the evils existing. They there is some phase of the problem that you have not looked One of the Best in Human Nature. method of dealing with the liquor problem. The reason that prohibition appeals to men is chiefly because it is easy to