07 Dec

ideal of business success ? Must we forever keep our- the jog-trot or everyday life? Is it altogether im- men down to earth with leaden chains/' life? Are we to be bound down forever to the low selves over to the loftier aspirations of the higher poet and the artist alone. The philosopher, the scien- The Higher Life. It is the imagination to which all the great things aims of business and work-a-day life and give our- in the world are due. Not the imagination of the bidden to lay aside the merely material, if not sordid, and pain. And what is joy but a heightened intensity or enlargement of consciousness ? But the great mass of the people drink to enjoy, not mount as on bright wings to Heaven. There are some ination? "There are some falsehoods on which men May we not soar above the commonplace and dream nonce in the realm of the imagination ? Ah, the imag- selves at the keenest edge of economic efficiency? once more the dreams of our youth, live for the to stupefy themselves and kill the source of both joy Must we be condemned forever to move along in truths, cold, bitter, taunting truths, wherein your ination ! What would the world be without the imag- 8 worldly scholars are very apt and punctual, that bind proper to turn into a run now and then? Is it for-

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