07 Dec

needs, where each will render his neighbor his due, ing to their love and "affinities" and children be raised ample to produce all the necessaries and luxuries of fices and factories large, airy, light, sanitary; where vating pleasures of literature, art, music, where the with, where every person shall have enough, where streets well paved and well lighted, our dwellings, of- Let us have a perfect economic system, to begin unknown, where men and women shall mate accord- I can propose an absolute, final solution of the liquor where our cities will all be clean and beautiful, our enjoying as much food as we require and no more, and pastimes free from all wanton cruelty to any the beauties of nature, delighting in wholesome sports problem. It is really quite simple. Solution of the Liquor Problem. only this one I am discussing now. in happiness and refinement, where all will have abun- an hour or two a day spent in productive work will be we shall all be leading the temperate life, eating and * * * is an essential to health and well-being. And it is 10 living thing, having full and free access to all the ele- where sanitation will be perfect and infectious diseases dant time for recreation and enjoyment, for basking in life, where there will be no care for the mere physical

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