resents your imputation that it comes from the any, they are so noisy and pester one so, the little copious drinks of coflfee thoroughly boiled so as the evening, what sort of a home circle is it going to be ? the woman who complains of aches in all parts and unknown composition, made more indigestible by cheap tough meat, often cooked stringy and with the children. Or the woman whose nerves are "on edge" 17 fensiveness when that man and that woman meet in Or, take the poor man who has to bolt his food in brats the woman who could not bear the nauseating ants, herself inaccessible to her children, if she has employes, the spiteful "knocking" of a com- a hurry, some soggy baker's bread only half done, been obliged to perfume in order to conceal its of- smell of the kitchen and savory cooking, it's beneath piece of factory pie of doughy consistency and pieces" at a cross word, venting her ill-humor on serv- stomach, insisting her stomach is all right, and at petitor, the quarrel with the wife, the scolding of her, you know, woman was born for better things to extract all the injurious matters from the bean savory juice boiled out and thrown away, a with raw beef fat flavored to resemble butter, some the same time exhaling a breath that she has and she doesn't know why, who is ready to "fly to