much less today than formerly. As in England, so in portant of all sources of crime that bring in their German nation drinks too much beer. But it is also conferred upon her by a Latin writer, of officina sions of which a civilized society stigmatizes as crime. The Rule of "Not Too Much/' is considered right at present, excepting some ascetics altogether indulge the flesh a great deal more than true that Germany has abundantly deserved the title it. In former times people also used to eat more, and Germany and in America, it is no longer considered train that revival of primitive humanity, the expres- It may be true it undoubtedly is true that the conquered and to the culture of which she has added Anti-alcoholist movements have had little to do with that Germans, in common with other people, drink is simply in the natural course of advancing culture. sexual passion the latter being one of the most im- gentium, that she has for the last 1,500 years furnished who only served to emphasize the general condition proper at a dinner to become "drunk as a lord." This the most valuable elements. Surely, beer has not ex- the population for the civilized world which she has of animalism. We know very well that civilization is Effects of Beer Drinking on the Germans. 23 hausted or even impaired her vitality. It is also true